Roll with the Young

Targeted cross-brand idealisation towards a younger generation for the emerging tyre brand
client / prinx
industry / fashion, product, retail
year / 2022
An emerging player in the tyre industry, Prinx has a solid foundation in tyre manufacture and the B2B market. Now striving to create a new brand image that connect directly with the consumer, especially EV owners, a re-branding project was enacted in 2021, along with strategies to touch base with the EV consumers.

Created a lifestyle line of products to approach young generation, the emerging new car-buyers in China, who are establishing their position in the society while yearning to stay young at heart. The products shall be competitive in their own category, while creating added-value for the tyre consumers.

A set of research was conducted to understand the lifestyle of such consumers, in order to develop products that meet their practical and emotional needs, while imbedding spec numbers and knowledge of tyres.

Using tyre pattern and “mystic” numbers and black aesthetics to create a cool yet fun visual experience


Created an opportunity for young generation to learn about the specs of the tyre products while consuming the style

Created a new revenue stream and product category to reach out young generation in the traditional tyre industry